Netherlands Radio Amateurs Face Fee Increases

While US radio amateurs face the possibility of a $50 application fee, some countries have been imposing license fees for some time now. Netherlands International Amateur Radio Union member-society, VERON, reports that the Dutch regulator Agentschap Telecom (AT) is imposing higher annual amateur radio fees, including higher exam and repeater fees. The new rates go into effect in 2021. VERON said radio amateurs pay the fees to support AT’s activities and services, and that the fee for Novice and Full exams will rise from €68 ($80.66) in 2020 to €71 ($84.22) in 2021.
“An additional rate of €79 ($93.71) has been introduced for repeater stations. This became necessary to cover the costs of investigations and surveillance due to the increased illegal use of these stations,” VERON said. “The Government Gazette lists two rates for registration.”
“Two tariffs apply for use of a frequency by a repeater station or beacon per license and/or planned unit,” VERON said. The fee for operation is €201 ($238.42), up from €184 in 2020), while a new fee of €79 ($93.71) is now charged for supervision.
As the Government Gazette explains, “It has become apparent that relay [repeater] stations have suffered a lot from illegal users in recent years. To tackle these disruptions, specific criminal investigations and supervision are necessary. In order to be able to carry this out, a supervisory rate has been applied.”
Other registration costs include an increase from €37 to €41 for a temporary non-resident permit and an increase from €68 to €74 for other non-exempt use of the amateur bands. The fee for a certificate to obtain a license from a foreign administration for radio equipment for conducting tests rose from €73 to €76.
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