New 2700km+ IARU Region-1 tropo record on 23cms between Ireland and the Canary Islands – 17th July 2020

On the 17th of July 2020, there was an opening between the Canary Islands and the UK & Ireland on the VHF & UHF bands. A remarkable contact was made on 1296 MHz between EA8CXN and EI2FG which turned out to be a new IARU Region-1 tropo record for the 23cms microwave band.
In a report on his website, Cesar EA8CXN reports that there was a good tropo opening on July 17, 2020, between Ireland-England and the Canary Islands.
In the evening, EA8CXN completed contacts with G7RAU, G4LOH, and EI20C (op. Mark, EI3KD) on 432 MHz. EI20C mentions that John, EI2FG is also active on 1296 MHz so tests begin.
G7RAU is the first to complete a successful contact on SSB on 1296.200 MHz using just 5 watts into a 56 element Yagi. G4LOH also completed a contact.
After a period of deep QSB, a successful SSB contact was completed with EI2FG on 23 cms with 5/1 and 5/4 reports exchanged. The distance was an amazing 2714 km.
Not only was this the first-ever contact between Ireland and the Canary Islands on 1296 MHz but it was also a new IARU Region-1 tropo record for 23 cms.
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