New Japan RTTY sub-bands

Political map of Japan with regions and their capitals
Hide, JH8KYU/1, wants to remind everyone of the new JA RTTY sub-bands during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 26-27th):
80m — 3520-3580 kHz 20m — 14070-14150 kHz
3599-3612 kHz 15m — 21070-21150 kHz
3662-3680 kHz 10m — 28070-28200 kHz
40m — 7030-7200 kHz
The highlight of the change this year is the expansion on 80m. They still cannot transmit on the main zone of 3580-3599 kHz, but 80m has been a little bit expanded compared to past years.
Hide, JH8KYU/1, states, “I will try to operate on 80m more often and hope to get more contacts than last year. See you on all bands including 80m in the coming WW contest.”
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