ARRL board accepts final recommendations of the Band Planning Committee

During this session, the [ARRL] Board took the following actions:
Accepted the final recommendations of the Band Planning Committee. Committee chair and ARRL First Vice President Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, introduced the motion to adopt the plan. An earlier draft of the plan was introduced at the Board’s in-person January meeting. After the January Board meeting, the Committee received and considered hundreds of comments from interested amateurs. The final band plan can be viewed on the ARRL website.
The new plan only applies to the HF band and makes no changes to 160 and 60 meters. A couple of other notes from the accepted plan:
- No changes to CW allocations throughout all amateur bands
- RTTY and all other narrowband, non-ACDS modes permitted wherever data
modes are allowed
As you read through the changes, keep in mind that the new plan addresses expanded Technician HF privileges and also re-defines ACDS (Automatically Controlled Digital Stations) allocations among other modifications.
Technicians will be happy to note they’ll have new phone and image privileges on 80 meters (3,900 – 4,000 kHz), 40 meters (7,225 – 7,300), and 15 meters (21,350 – 21,450 kHz).
Click here to download a PDF of the accepted (final) proposed band plan.
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