Now Open! The 15th Annual ARRL Online Auction

The 15th Annual ARRL Online Auction is now open for registration and bidding. The 2020 ARRL Online Auction includes a large assortment of QST “Product Review” items, including an SPE Expert 1.5K-FA HF amplifier, an ACOM 120S 160 – 6-meter linear amplifier, a Yaesu FTDX101D HF + 6-meter transceiver, an Icom IC-9700 multimode VHF/UHF transceiver, and a RigExpert Stick 230 antenna and cable. Some vintage gear is also up for bid.
The ARRL Online Auction also features a wide assortment of vintage books, including past editions of The ARRL Handbook, Radios for Everybody, CQ Ghost Ship, and the 1909 “Electricity” volume — in souvenir condition — from the How Does It Work Series.
The Auction is sponsored by GigaParts.
Bidders will also find a large variety of novelty items, ARRL Lab “Mystery Junque Boxes,” ARRL-branded gear and clothing, and items donated by the cast and crew of the Fox Television’s Last Man Standing, starring Tim Allen as Mike Baxter, KA0XTT.
In order to place a bid, you must register on the ARRL Online Auction website. You may browse the website and scope out those “must-have items” without registering, and you may register at any time during the auction.
If you’re on the lookout for some great bargains — and some great fun — plan to check out the 2020 ARRL Online Auction. The auction concludes at 10 PM EDT on October 22.
Proceeds from our Online Auction benefit ARRL education programs, including activities to license prospective radio amateurs, strengthen Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) training, offer continuing technical and operating education, and create instructional materials.
Visit the ARRL Online auction website for more information.
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