QCX-mini to be available for order later this week
From Hans G0UPL:
Great excitement here at QRP Labs Towers just half an hour ago, middle of the QCX challenge (from which I am abstaining this month)… FedEx arrived, reversed into our drive, and unloaded 10 boxes.
The brown boxes contain the QCX-mini enclosures, the white boxes contain the assembled QCX-mini PCBs and various other stuff. There’s still a 3rd smaller shipment on the way, which is 300 more QCX-mini PCBs but it’s less critical – and anyway it arrived in customs in Izmir today so I should have that in a couple of days too.
Then the final push comes… building and testing one, photographs and final documentation updates…I hope to have them on sale before the end of this week! My colleagues will start packing tomorrow morning in readiness!
73 Hans G0UPL
I’m very much looking forward to one of these kits, probably for the 20-meter band. The dual capabilities of the QCX (CW and WSPR with GPS input) are appealing and I hope to use the kit’s build-up as a way of utilizing my nanoVNA and tinySA test equipment.
More details of the QCXmini can be found here.
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