R1943KB – a “radio marathon “the battle of Kursk – 77”

This year historical events of the Victory at Kursk is 77 years old. Student project “radio marathon “the battle of Kursk – 77” Kursk regional youth sport public organization “Sporadic” with the support of the Foundation grants of the President of the Russian Federation and Amateur radio Belgorod, Oryol and Kursk regions started on 1 July 2018.
For the past 20 years, the team of the club “Sporadic” organizes tourist radio expedition to places of military glory in the days of the Victory and the memorable battlefields in live sound the call letters of the student radio station. In this, the anniversary of the Victory on the Kursk bulge year in August will be organized and conducted several tourist radioexpedition. The air will work youth Amateur radio R1943KB (1 July – 31 Aug 2020). The project collected the materials about veterans who fought on the Kursk bulge. Many of the hams in the family survived information and photos of those who fought on the frontlines of the battle of Kursk.
Offer to send a copy of the photo and information on the participation of your family or friends who fought on the Kursk bulge. According to the submitted materials will create a page on the Internet at www.sporadic.ru and, in the framework of radiomarathon will be organized days of activity in memory of the veteran. All active members of the radio marathon “the battle of Kursk 77” will receive a diploma.
The participants of the tournament in 2020 is required to undertake a 10 QSOs with radio Amateurs of the Kursk, Orel and Belgorod regions. Go to offset of a radio communication carried out by any kind of modes and on all HF and VHF Amateur radio bands from 1 may to 30 November 2020. Repeated radio communications can be carried out on different bands and different modes (SSB, CW, FM, Digital). Only 30 QSOs.
It is obligatory to conduct radio communication with the radio R1943KB of radiatorniy “the battle of Kursk 77”, which will be broadcast in the period 1 July to 31 August 2020 (the date of the battle of Kursk 05.07.1943 – 23.08.1943). Those who will not be able to conduct radio communication with R1943KB during the specified period, can fulfill the condition of having diploma of telecommunication from September 1 until November 30, 2020 with radio stations, youth radio club SPORADIC (RC3W and RW3WWW).
The diploma is also issued for the two QSOs via satellites, or the moon: 1 QSO with a ham in Orel or Kursk or Belgorod region and 1 radio with radio stations, youth radio club SPORADIC – R1943KB, RP75TW, RC3W and RW3WWW. Go to offset connection from may 1 to November 30, 2020. Diploma free. All who fulfill the conditions of the diploma will receive the diploma “the battle of Kursk-77” in the electronic version. Reports send via HamLog.
Additional information for participants radiatorniy “the battle of Kursk -77”.
- Many of the hams in the family survived information and photos of those who fought on the frontlines of the battle of Kursk. Offer to send a copy of the photo with a description of the places where Your relatives fought at Kursk and to participate in a radio marathon in the composition of the activators. Need to send an email with photo attachments until November 30, 2020 at ua3wbw@gmail.com. In addition, the submitted materials will be created on the web page on the website www.sporadic.ru and, in the framework of radiotuner will be organized days of activity in memory of the veteran.
- Information for participants , team members activators radiotuner the “battle of Kursk -77”.
- A mandatory condition of a participant as an activator of radiotuner (work R1943KB SPS) is to register at HamLog and timely send the report HamLog.
- All team members activators radiatorniy working R1943KB the call , will receive special diplomas “the battle of Kursk -75”. – Team members activators radiatorniy working R1943KB call sign, which will hold over 3000 QSO, will receive prizes.
- The awarding of the hams who participated in radiatornye “the battle of Kursk -77”.
- All who fulfill the conditions of the diploma will receive the electronic version of the diploma “the battle of Kursk -77” via HamLog.
- Five radio Amateurs who will hold the highest number of QSOs from Kursk, Orel and Belgorod oblast in the period from 1 July to 31 August (the period of battles the battle of Kursk in 1943) will receive special diplomas “the battle of Kursk -77” and prizes.
- Amateur radio operators in Kursk, Orel and Belgorod regions receive a diploma in electronic form, subject to a minimum of 1000 QSO in 2020 . Amateur radio operators in Kursk, Orel and Belgorod regions, who will hold over 3000 QSO in 2020, will receive special diplomas “the battle of Kursk -77” and prizes.
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