R2VA/p – September 27, 2020 – Fortresses of Russia – Osovets RC-209
The team of Vladimir Radio Club R2VA/P will organize a radio expedition under the program “Fortress of Russia” on September 27, 2020.
The plan is to activate the RC-209 Sobinsky settlement in the Vladimir region. RDA VL25.
The site of the settlement is fortified with a semi-circular rampart resting on its ends in the steep bank of the Klyazma River, and a moat. The cultural layer contains deposits of Old Russian (XII – XIII centuries.) Time.
According to some historians, the Osovets owed its very existence to the danger that came from Ryazan. According to the news recorded by the Chronicler of Pereyaslavl of Suzdal, Prince Yuri defeated the Ryazanians “at Osovoy” and chased them beyond the river Oka.
People’s legend attributed the foundation of this town to Grand Duke Vladimir; it was as if he had thought of founding the town of Vladimir, but this intention did not materialize; the town was later founded in another place, and only fortifications remained here.
The approximate working hours are from 10:00 to 18:00.
Main operators: RA3VMD, R2VM, UA3VLT.
Hardware: transceivers FT-897 + IC-7100 + PA Acom-1000.
Antennas IV 20/40m and automotive MFJ-1620 and MFJ-1640.
Ranges of 20m, 40m. Types of CW, SSB, Digi.
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