Radio amateurs in the UK unlikely to get 40 MHz allocation
Ofcom is the licensing authority for the radio spectrum in the UK and in a response to an informal query, they indicated to the Royal Society of Great Britain (RSGB) that an allocation at 40 MHz for radio amateurs in the near future was unlikely.
In an editorial comment in the VHF/UHF column of the November 2020 issue of RadCom from the RSGB, the VHF Manager John Regnault, G4SWX wrote… “In recent years, the RSGB has informally asked Ofcom about amateur access to 40 MHz. Ofcom responded that this was not amateur radio spectrum, whilst they would agree to the continuation of the GB3RAL propagation beacon on 40 MHz, they would not agree to further beacons or general access to 40 MHz by UK amateurs.”
“Readers should also note that NoV access to the unused spectrum at 71 and 146MHz was granted for innovative experimentation and not more of the same (CW/SSB/FM).”
“The view expressed by Ofcom is that UK radio amateurs have adequate VHF/UHF spectrum for these traditional activities.”
The GB3RAL 40MHz beacon first went on air back in 2007 and it was only operational for a short period. The RSGB is now looking to find a new home for this 8-meter beacon and getting it operational again.
As of November 2020, just Ireland, Slovenia, Lithuania, and South Africa have some sort of access to the 40MHz band.
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