RDA-expedition to the East of the Sverdlovsk region, 10-13 July 2020

Team composition RU9CK (Eugene), RV9CX (Dmitry), UA9CSA (Sergei), RA9DM (Sergei) is planning a trip to the National Park “Bory priishimskiy” (RFF-0137). The route will pass to the East of the Sverdlovsk region through the following areas RDA: SV-48 SV-20, SV-17, SV-55 and SV-23, SV-55, and SV-61, SV-69 and SV-70.
On the route of the planned activation of the above areas RDA and two references on the program RAFA – HAY2 (talica) and HAY9 (tugulym). The endpoint of the route – Urginskaya cordon (SV-69) located in the two rivers Urga (R-37-0950) and Obinna (R-37-0577).
Start of the expedition – 10 July at 03.00 GMT. Ends on 13 July at 07.00 GMT. The underlying position of the prepared antenna on all HF bands, including WARC.
See you in the air.
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