Results of the Russian WW PSK Contest 2023

Results of the Russian WW PSK Contest 2023

The results of the 21st Russian WW PSK Contest 202-03 which took place on 18-19 February 2023 are published (totals of the contest are available now). The panel of judges received 276 reports from participants from 54 regions of Russia and 26 foreign countries DXCC. The competition was attended by 9 young amateur radio operators. As a result of the separate scoring between Russian and foreign contestants, were determined the winners in the Asian, European part of Russia and the rest of the world separately for each continent. Certificates to winners, prize-winners and participants are published on the site AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC. Personal certificates for young contestants who competed on teams in the MULTI-ONE subgroup are posted on the Yandex Drive.

The best results among the teams had the team from the Yuri Gagarin School #2 and the Divnogorsk House of Children’s Creativity RK0AZC 477 QSOs 377344 points. R9MJ 638 QSO 742395 points, Evgeny Bloshchitsyn R6DM 688 QSO 500550 points and Lukasz Dorobisz SP9DTE 536 QSO 419136 points. We congratulate the winners and prizewinners for their deserved achievements and we wish all participants success in our next competitions.

We wish a Happy Spring Festival to our lovely ladies, and we especially send a warm 88 and 73 to the participants of our contest – Anna from
team R9MBV, Natalia R1LN, Gabriele DC1YL!

We’d like to thank all the amateur radio operators who took part in organizing the contest. We invite fans of digital radio communications to the birthday of the RCRC – T10 activity days on March 25-26, dedicated to the 9th anniversary of the club. We look forward to seeing you in good health at all events of the Russian Digital Amateur Radio Club!


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