The receiver works according to the double superhet principle and is designed for the frequency range from 40 kHz to 30 MHz. It is characterized by an elaborate circuit with several quartz-stable oscillators and a DDS frequency processing. In addition, it has a tunable preselector, high-quality ceramic filters in the second IF position, and a product detector for SSB and CW reception. For AM, 6 kHz and 9 kHz bandwidth are available. A TCXO ensures the high-frequency stability of Lokalsozillators.
Thanks to a very detailed, richly illustrated construction manual, it is also possible for beginners without knowledge of HF technology to build this kit successfully.
The adjustment work is limited to the LCD contrast adjustment and the leveling of the S-meter. Required are multimeter, soldering iron, pliers, and screwdrivers as well as a steady hand and patience. The only SMD component of the kit is already pre-assembled.
The kit contains all required boards, assemblies, and components as well as a machined and printed housing.
frequency range | 0,04…30 MHz |
circuit principle | Double superhet with manual preselector as well as digital frequency editing and display |
balancing | Rotary encoder with adjustable step size, direct selection buttons for radio and amateur radio bands |
sensitivity | -135 dBm (SSB) |
bandwidth | AM: 6 kHz, 9 kHz; SSB: 3 kHz; CW: 750 Hz |
operating voltage | 11…15 V |
current consumption | approximately 500 mA |

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