Taiwan heard on 28 MHz as the good conditions continue – 1st Dec 2020

The map above shows the FT8 signals that I heard on 28 MHz on Tuesday the 1st of December 2020. As well as evidence of some Sporadic-E signals from around western Europe, there were plenty of F2 signals from southern Russia, SE Europe, South Africa, South America, the Caribbean, and the USA.
The one unusual signal of note for me was BV6CC in Taiwan. I have heard Thailand, Indonesia, and Australia on 28 MHz over the last few days but Taiwan is the most northerly of the ‘eastern’ F2 signals that I have heard for this new cycle.
We still have some way to go yet before we start hearing Japan and California on 28 MHz here in NW Europe.
The solar flux on the 1st of December 2020 was at 104, a big change from 12-months ago when it was down around the 70 marks at the bottom of the sunspot cycle.
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