The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter August 2020

From 7 – 9 September, IARU participated in the first online meeting of Project Team A (PTA) of the WRC-23 CEPT Conference Preparatory Group. PTA has a mandate to prepare the CEPT brief on scientific and regulatory WRC-23 agenda items. IARU was represented during the meeting on a full-time basis and was additionally supported by representatives from IARU Member Societies.
A good start was made on items of interest to the amateur and amateur satellite services. For WRC Agenda Item (AI) 1.12 (Orbital Radar Sounders) in the range 40 – 50 MHz modifications to the draft CEPT position were secured to include details of the ITU Table of Frequency Allocations at 50 MHz, which were agreed last year at WRC-19, where access to spectrum in Region 1 within 50 – 52 MHz was agreed for the amateur service.
WRC AI 1.14 addresses the Earth Exploration Satellite Service (passive) in the range 231.5−250 GHz. Subsequent to several questions posed by IARU the draft CEPT position confirms that in principle administrations support the spectrum requirements for passive microwave sensor measurements within the frequency range 231.5−252 GHz, provided that other primary services currently allocated in this frequency range are not unduly constrained. The amateur and amateur-satellite services have a primary allocation at 248 – 250 GHz and a secondary allocation at 241 – 248 GHz.
WRC-23 Topic AI 9.1A concerns Space Weather Sensors which need to be protected by regulation without placing constraints on incumbent services. Current views in PTA were that AI 9.1 topics should not lead to major changes in treaty documentation e.g. the Radio Regulations (RR). However, the issue could be addressed in ITU‑R Recommendations or ITU‑R Handbooks. The scope of this topic is wide and could cover HF to the EHF spectrum. Until studies are progressed it is not certain how the amateur and amateur-satellite services might be impacted.
WRC-23 AI 9.1Topic C is an item proposed by a small number of countries interested in the possible use of IMT or 5G mobile technologies in frequency bands allocated to the fixed service. In practice, amateur service allocations in the range 430 MHz to 250 GHz could be affected where there is a primary allocation to the fixed service and a secondary allocation to the amateur service e.g. 2.3 GHz, 3.4 GHz (R2), 10 GHz, and 122.25 GHz. This topic is similar to AI 9.1A as CEPT is currently opposed to any changes to the RR resulting from AI 9.1 deliberations.
IARU always is committed to playing a full part in Regional Telecommunication Organisations’ preparations for ITU WRCs.Print This Post
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