The King of DX Marathons PY5EG OMS

According to the rules, a station may be awarded only one of the four trophies in any one year and may be awarded each of the trophies only once in any 3-year period.

As a result, Oms PY5EG was not eligible to compete for the GM4FAM Trophy or the G3NUG Trophy this year, as he was last year’s winner of the SSB trophy and the 2017 winner of the CW trophy.

This year Oms had the highest overall score of 277 DXCCs but he has elected to receive the President’s Trophy for the highest MGM score and becomes the first station to have been awarded all four trophies, in four consecutive years.

Congratulations to Oms on this extraordinary achievement! The second highest overall score of 262 was achieved by Dick PA3FQA, who was the Club Log Trophy winner for 2018 and thus not eligible to win it again this year. The third-highest overall score was posted by Ismo OH2IS, with 258 DXCCS, and he is this year’s recipient of the Club Log Trophy.

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