Trans-Atlantic opening on the 40 MHz band – 10th Jan 2023

With the recent increase in solar activity, the maximum usable frequency across the North Atlantic is now reaching as high as 40 MHz. The map above shows the paths that were open by those using the FT8 mode on 40.680 MHz.
Signals from G9PUV on the SE coast of England here heard 5000kms away in N America as well as by receiving stations in the UK.
Rcvr | Band | Mode | Distance | Time | (UTC) |
WW1L | 8m | FT8 | 5010 | km | 14:28:14 |
VA2CY | 8m | FT8 | 5010 | km | 13:57:44 |
G0DJA | 8m | FT8 | 278 | km | 13:10:11 |
G8BQR/OWRX | 8m | FT8 | 214 | km | 14:43:00 |
G4FKA | 8m | FT8 | 190 | km | 14:33:11 |
WESSEXSDR | 8m | FT8 | 187 | km | 15:45:00 |
M1SLH | 8m | FT8 | 128 | km | 14:42:11 |
G7PUV/A | 8m | FT8 | 9 | km | 18:12:14 |
The experimental WM3XAN station in Michigan was heard in the Caribbean.
Txmtr | Rcvr | Band | Mode | Distance | Time | (UTC) |
PJ4MM | WM2XAN | 8m | FT8 | 3906 | km | 15:31:12 |
WM2XAN | PJ4MM | 8m | FT8 | 3906 | km | 15:29:56 |
WM2XAN | WP4G | 8m | FT8 | 3359 | km | 15:26:56 |
The current solar flux is about about the 180-190 mark.
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