ZOOM presentation about the SAQ LF transmitter in Sweden coming up on Tues 20th Oct 2020

The SAQ station in Sweden is a low-frequency radio station that uses a mechanical alternator to transmit on 17.2 kHz. This was established back in 1924 to send telegram traffic across the Atlantic to North America.
It is a listed UNESCO site and it sends out a special transmission on this very low frequency twice a year.
On Tuesday Night 20th October 2020, the South Dublin Radio Club will be hosting an online meeting on ZOOM at 8 pm (19:00 UTC). During it, Ola Hervall from Sweden will give a virtual tour & presentation of the SAQ station.
For access to the ZOOM meeting, South Dublin Radio Club can be contacted here… https://southdublinradioclub.weebly.com/contact.html
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