In the air of the Novgorod Kremlin and other strongholds of Russia-2020

Tomorrow, July 25, 2020, will host two short-term exits of the fortress in the framework of the “RCA-2020”
1. Constantine, R1CX/m will be active from Veliky Novgorod, Novgorod Kremlin – RC-049
2. R1CA/P in the composition of Igor RN1CR and Andrew UA1CCO with Kabalova settlement – RC-134
8 Jan 2020 we have worked with Kabalova. If you already have a QSO, we will be happy to hear from You, but give the chance to work at another station.
Time the show airs 7-8:00 UTC
The ranges of 20-40 meters, CW+SSB
Autosuche on
See you in the air with castles in Russia.
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