R9Urals Activity Days commemorating the five-year anniversary of the establishment of the SOTA regional association
SOTA (Summits on the Air) is an international amateur radio program. To date, the program has registered regional associations from 100 countries. The aim of the SOTA program is to support amateur radio activity from clearly marked peaks (mountains and hills) around the world and to provide a diploma program for amateur radio users in all territories of DXCC.
On February 1, 2015, the regional association of the SOTA program: R9U-Russia-Urals was registered, which includes more than 300 classified peaks of the Southern, Central (Middle), and Northern Urals. Since that time radio amateurs have activated over 50 peaks of the Southern, Central, and Northern Urals.
The manager of the regional association of the SOTA program is Marat Adgamov RA9WJV – Secretary of the RO SRR Council for the Republic of Bashkortostan.
In connection with the five-year anniversary of the establishment of the SOTA regional association and in order to further promote this wonderful SOTA program in Russia and around the world, the RO SRR RB and the regional association organized the Days of Activity in the period from August 13 to September 30, 2020, using a special call sign: R05SOTA.
Memorable diplomas are planned for activators of the Urals peaks and for hunters and observers in Russia and countries of the world.
To get the jubilee diploma radio amateur hunters to need to conduct radio communications with radio amateur activators of at least two peaks in 2020, or one peak in the days of activity. Radio amateur-activators need to have at least two activations of the peaks during 2020, or one peak in the days of activity, in order to get a diploma.
To fulfill the conditions of the diploma, only the connections with amateur radio activators of mountain peaks included in the list of the regional association R9Urals of the program SOTA/COP in EPHIRE are taken into account.
Observers can obtain diplomas under conditions similar to radio amateur hunters.
The diploma is free and is issued electronically.
The logs from the activators are uploaded to the SOTA/VERSHINGS IN EPHIRE database on the portal at the address: https://www.sotadata.org.uk/en/upload/activator.
Diploma applications are sent to r9w.award@gmail.com with the applicant’s log, uploaded from the SOTA/EXPERIOR database. Program website:: https://www.sota.org.uk/.
Connect to the WhatsApp R05SOTA group by clicking here.: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HYOTr3Dnst07SROkE4UTE7.
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