Days of activity of the Voronezh region August 12, 2020, for the award of “Window into nature”
The Voronezh branch of the RAF on the day of memory of Vasily Mikhaylovich Peskov, our countryman, a famous TV host, and a journalist spends a day activity, which will be held August 12, 2020, 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC.
For communication, held on 12 August 2020 points to the new diploma “Window to nature” are doubled.
The diploma is issued in electronic form through the website of the HAM LOG.
The diploma of the “Window to nature” was established in memory of the great journalist and writer, presenter of the program “Animal World”, the traveler Vasily Peskov, who this year would have turned 90 years old (the so-called column in the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, which was led by V. M. Peskov.)
Historical – biographical background:
Born March 14, 1930, in the village of Orlovo Christmas Khavskaya (now Novousmanskiy) district of the Central black earth (now — Voronezh) region in the family of the driver of the crane men and women. After high school, and Voronezh school of the projectionist worked as a pioneer, a projectionist. In his youth, was into nature photography.
In 1953 he started to work in Voronezh newspaper “Young Communard” first photographer and after the successful publication of the first essay — “April in the woods” — staff correspondent. In 1956 he sent some of my articles in “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, after which he was invited to work in Moscow. 1956 — observer of the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. He was a regular author of the column “Window to nature”. His first book of essays came out in 1960.
From 1975 to 1990 led the TV program “In fauna” with Nikolay Drozdov. From 1995 to 1997, led the program on their own when it came to RTR. From 1999 to 2003, was the leading television version of their essays “Window in nature”, which was broadcast on Moscow TV channel “Capital” (since 2000 — on the M1). Together with such outstanding countrymen as M. I. Kartavtsev, V. I. Vorotnikov, E. M. Molodtsova in 1998 was awarded the title. Honorary citizen of the city of Voronezh.
Died on 84-m to a year of life on August 12, 2013, in Moscow. Bequest Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov, his body was cremated and the ashes were scattered on September 20 on the 40th day after the death, over a field in the Voronezh region, on his second homeland, where he with his parents moved from the neighboring village of Orlovo. The field over which were scattered the ashes is located in the village of Wola, on the edge of the forest, near a stone, on the way to cordon Rakitino, which during the life of Vasily Mikhailovich was brought from Mordovia. On this stone is written the words “the Main value in life is life itself”.
Terms of the diploma
To obtain the diploma you need to score 84 points. Hams Voronezh region – individual stations give one point, the collective (RZ3QWW, RZ3QWE, R3KGS, RY3QAE) and specials. call sign – 2 points. Radio /p/m working on the activation of RDA, RNNA, RAFA, RCA from the territory of the Voronezh region – 3 points, on VHF and 160 meters, when activated, RFF (Voronezh nature reserves) – 5 points. March 14 (day of birth) and 12 August(day of remembrance) points are doubled.
If the condition of the diploma only on VHF, you need to spend 10 QSO Voronezh region, the application must be at least 5 correspondents and communication should be mutually loaded to the site.
Count any links on any of the Amateur bands. Dupes on different bands and different types of communication. Digital communication – BPSK – RTTY – all ft8 accounted for as different types of communication, the other digital species count as one modulation type. Hams Voronezh region can get a degree as an activator or applicant. For obtaining the diploma of the activator it is necessary to spend 1000 QSO and upload HAM LOG.
To obtain the diploma as candidates at the General conditions (84 points, or conditions on VHF)
Diploma of activator – numbering separate, with the letter “a”
Diploma perpetual, ties in the standings are from 00:00 UTC on 12 August 2020.
Observers the diploma issued on similar terms, on the basis of the extract from the log, but all reported stations should be registered on the website HAM LOG. The application for the diploma paper can be done by e-mail.
The award Manager – RU3KO Roman Trunov.
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