Russian Emergencies Ministry Activity Days November 27 – December 27, 2020
In 2020, it will be 30 years since the establishment of the agency, which comes to the aid of every Russian citizen in distress, in any difficult situation. Courage and professionalism, support to everyone waiting for help – this is what the employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations see as their calling.
From November 27 to December 27, 2020, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia holds the days of activity dedicated to the 30th anniversary of its formation. Participants of days of activity are given the chance to execute the diploma “30 years of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia“, established by the Minister of the Russian Federation on civil defense, emergency situations, and liquidation of consequences of natural disasters.
Amateur radio stations with call signs symbolizing the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations will be on the air during the event. From the European part of Russia (S-ZFO, Central Federal District, South Federal District, S-CFO, FDN) – R30EMER, from the Asian part of Russia (UFO, SFO, FDN) – R30MCHS.
In addition to these stations, amateur radio stations of EMERCOM employees of Russia with callsign R4CR and UB8QAR will work on the air.
Radio amateurs from all over the world are invited to participate in the days of activity.
Radio communications with the above-mentioned radio stations, conducted on the bands 1.8 – 28 MHz are counted.
Terms and conditions of the diploma
To get the diploma “30 years of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia” you need to score 30 points – on the number of years since the founding of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
Procedure for calculation of points
- Radio amateurs in the European part of Russia get 3 points for communication with the R30MCHS radio station and 4 points for communication with the R30EMER radio station.
- Amateurs in the Asian part of Russia get 3 points for communication with the R30EMER radio station, 4 points for communication with the R30MCHS radio station.
- Amateur radio amateurs located outside the Russian Federation get 5 points for radio communications with R30EMER and R30MCHS radio stations.
- For communications with R4CR and UB8QAR radio stations, 5 points are awarded, while communications with R30MCHS and R30EMER are mandatory.
- For radio communications conducted in the ranges of 160 m and 10 m with R30EMER and R30MCHS radio stations, points are doubled.
Repeated QSOs are allowed only on different ranges and different types of radiation. All types of digital links (RTTY, PSK, MFSK, SSTV, JT64, FT8, etc.) are counted as one type of DIGI.
An obligatory condition is QSO confirmation on the resource
The diploma is issued free of charge in electronic form through a resource
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