Activity Days on VHF “Digi Mode VHF” November 28, 2020 – first tour
Activity Days on “Digi Mode VHF” VHF on November 28, 2020 – the first round on November 28, 2020, will be held I, a round of activity days on the VHF “Digi Mode VHF”.
The “Digi Mode VHF” VHF activity days are held for the 10th time on all VHF bands, they are not competitions and are held with the purpose:
- The popularization of digital types of communication on VHF;
- Meeting the needs of radio amateurs in conducting VHF radio communications;
- Experimental work with digital communication types;
- Testing of amateur radio communications equipment;
DX installations; - Improvement of the operator’s skill;
Based on the results of the season of activity days and conducted tours, ratings of participants are made.
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