Results of radio club “Record” with temporary special call sign R1530IG

Every year at the end of August, the birthday of the first Tsar of All Russia Ivan IV Vasilyevich “The Terrible” is celebrated in Alexandrov, Vladimir region with great scope.
On this day, the State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve “Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda” traditionally becomes the heart of the holiday.
First, to Alexandrovskaya Sloboda, the former possession of brothers Alexander and Alexei Starkov (from here, one version, and the name), drew the attention of Grand Prince of Moscow Vasily III, father of Ivan IV. He turned this place into his country residence and came here after the massacres to hunt and feast with the boyars. However, some researchers believe that Novgorod’s Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky, who stayed here during his trips, has something to do with the name of the Sloboda.
Ivan’s father sent to the settlement the best Russian and Italian architects, who in record time (1508-1513) erected here a luxurious ensemble for those times.
The country residence of the first Russian tsar, Alexandrovskaya Sloboda, from 1665 to 1581 became an unspoken political and cultural capital of the Russian state, “such a hailstorm”. In Moscow, the ruler almost did not appear.
From here, the military and political administration of the Russian state took place, and decisions were made that determined the course of our history for many years.
In the residence, he created the first school of choral singing, where he invited the best singers, writers, musicians, and performers of that time. During the reign of the formidable king in Moscow, the first domestic book – “The Apostle” was printed. The first Russian printing house was moved to Alexandrovskaya Sloboda by order of Ivan the Terrible. And Andronik Timofeev (Nevezha), a pupil of the first printer Ivan Fedorov, printed the Psalter Slobodskaya in the residence.
August 25, 2020, marked the 490th anniversary of the birth of John IV “The Terrible” and the museum holiday was conceived accordingly … But the pandemic has made adjustments, so “Ivanov Day-2020” was held in the Internet format.
However, well-known restrictions did not prevent radio amateurs from celebrating this event on the air. For the 4th year in a row in the last decade of August, a temporary special call sign R1530IG sounded on ALL bands.
For this period 6666 CW, SSB, FM, RTTY, and FT QSO with all regions of Russia and 66 countries of the world on 6 continents were conducted.
This year, through the efforts of Vladimir radio amateur Mikhail Suchkov (UA3VLT), the diploma “Ivan IV the Terrible”, established by Vladimir Regional Radio Club, received a new design.
About 100 diplomas have already been issued, including more than 20 for radio amateurs from 10 countries of near and far abroad. The reception of applications and distribution of diplomas continues.
According to a good tradition, the Administration of the Museum-Reserve “Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda” provided prizes for awarding radio amateurs who had the most connections with a temporary special call sign R1530IG.
This year, the winners were:
- SP4OLP – Boguslaw Szymanski, Bialystok, Poland
- RA9CVQ – Vladimir Korolev, Nizhny Tagil, Russia
- YT1T – Zivota Miodrag Tomic, Sabac, Serbia
They were also sent souvenirs from the city administration of Alexandrov and the team of operators of radio club “Record”.
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