The world of radio amateurs – the world of benevolence and mutual help!
In 2018, the General Director of the State Enterprise “Donetsk Railway” DOR V.V. Kabatsiy and the head of the trade union organization of the road S.R. Lesova in response to an appeal of a group of employees of the company signed a joint resolution on the establishment of the road collective amateur radio station.
Registration in the Ministry of Communications of DOR, issuance of a special, temporary callsign D1IZZ, creation of a radio operator school at the collective radio station by a joint decree of the head and trade union committee of the Locomotive Depot Ilovaisk – a structural unit of the Donetsk highway, teaching children railway workers the basics of radiosport, issuance of special, individual callsign signals to 14 schoolchildren in grades 4-7 and, as the first result, the First Children’s and Youth Road Championship on VHF band.
More than 20 participants with the participation of listeners of the School of Radio Operator and radio amateurs of DOR, including 2 masters of sports of Ukraine, competed on the 2-meter band. By the decision of the Diploma Commission of the D1IZZ collective radio station, Veronica Dubina was recognized as the winner according to the results of the competition. Mikhail Parshenkov, RK6AAW, took an active part in the preparation of competitions, development of QSL-cards. With his help, all the Diplomas and special QSL-cards for the “Memory Watch” were developed, which was organized and carried out on the 2-meter band by radio amateurs of road collective radio station.
Many thanks to Mikhail Konstantinovich for his participation in the children’s and youth radiosport, which is reviving in the DPR.
New stages are ahead – the Second, children’s and youth championship of the Donetsk Highway on VHF, mastering of VHF bands, the introduction of robotics, and design into the training process.
Evgeny Zhuravlev, D1ICK (UR5ICK) – Head of the School of Radio Operator at the Collective Radio Station D1IZZ (UT1IZZ).
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