Youth CQ UT Contest 2021
On Saturday, January 16, from 07:00 UTC to 13:00 UTC, the CQ UT Contest 2021 International Youth Shortwave Radio Competition will be held in six rounds of one hour each. Young amateur radio operators from various countries under the age of 18 are invited to participate.
In these competitions, you will be able to connect with your peers from different countries, test your sports skills, gain new and useful knowledge, get a vivid impression, a charge of vivacity and optimism.
By competing we become stronger in spirit and healthier in the body. Competition promotes comprehensive personal development, the ability to think and react quickly, to make the right decision, to find a way out of difficult situations.
As Hippocrates said, “You must always exert yourself physically to be morally healthy.
Successful preparation to all! Let viruses and quarantines not prevent you from spending these hours in a warm cozy room near the transceiver, alone or in a small group.
To the heads of the youth clubs and collective radio stations, please give our young shift all the support and assistance you can.
We wish you a good passage and a successful performance. See you on the air. 73!
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