The week of activity memory Yakov Lapovok UA1FA, 9-16 August 2020

From the 9th to the 16th of August 2020 in the week of activity memory Yakov Lapovok, UA1FA, from different countries, on all bands, stations are RSRCI club: RA/N2TA (Russia), UT/N2TA (Ukraine), VE3/N2TA (Canada), N2TA (USA). On the accession of the stations of other countries will be announced on the forum the topic “St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg 2020”.
Upon completion of QSL-cards (six-sided clamshell) will be issued and sent to all on the log. For those wishing to direct – QSL via RW1AI.
All who will spend at least three QSOs with different stations of weeks of activity, or with any of the stations on three different bands will receive the diploma of the weeks of activity. Applications do not need to send, everything will be determined by the logs automatically. Included in “top ten” for a number of QSO with different stations on as many as possible of the ranges that different types of radiation will be awarded special prizes.
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