“SSTV New Year’s Marathon” December 21-31, 2020

In 2020, the New Year’s SSTV Marathon starts at 00:00 UTC on December 21 and finishes at 23:59 UTC on December 31. You may make radio calls on the SW bands in the SSTV frequency bands. Repeated QSOs are counted on different bands. SWLs can participate in activity days. Electronic Certificates will be sent to all participants who made at least 5 SSTV QSOs and sent the report for the entire contest period. Certificates will be posted on the website AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC. Two club merchandise will be raffled off.
Send your reports in adif-format (.adi) to e-mail 01-10(at)rdrclub.ru before 23:59 UTC January 3, 2021. The report file must be named with your callsign (e.g. RK3DSW.adi). Include your first and last name in your letter.
We are waiting for you from December 21 to 31 in the SSTV band areas. Happy New Year!
Detailed regulations and a sample certificate are published on the website of the Russian Digital Amateur Radio Club.
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