Prizes for Window to Nature Diploma Applicants

The house-museum of Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov prepared a special prize for the applicants of the diploma “Window to nature” – the book “First Peskovsky Readings”. Issue one. Vasily Peskov. Taigaiga deadlock” for the first three job seekers (Russia) and the first three activators (RU3KO and RZ3QWW, RZ3QWE are not taken into account).
The distribution of prizes will be tentatively in November-December 2020.
This year the Museum House is holding events dedicated to the 90th anniversary of V.M.Peskov, in September 2020 it is planned to open the monument, lectures on art, and other memorable events. It is planned to visit the opening of the monument, and activation of the reserve RFF-027 RDA VR-19 (Voronezh State Biological Reserve), as well as activation of RFF-094 RDA VR-29 (Khopersky State Reserve).
Callsigns – RU3KO/m RZ3QWW/m
Vasily Peskov was born on March 14, 1930 in the village of Orlovo, Novousma District, Voronezh Region.
Since 1953 he worked in the Voronezh youth newspaper “Molodoy Kommunar”, where he was invited after the publication of the essay “April in the forest” about the awakening of nature in the Voronezh reserve. In 1956, after the publication of the essay “When the snowstorms raged” about the harsh wintering of deer in the reserve was invited to the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, where he worked for 57 years.
Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov is a famous journalist, winner of the Lenin Prize (1964), winner of the Russian Government Prize (2013), holder of the Order of the October Revolution (1986), “For Services to the Fatherland” IV degree, honorary citizen of Voronezh, famous photographer and TV presenter.
The journalist died on August 13, 2013, in Moscow. His ashes are scattered between the village of Orlovo and the Tresviatskaya station. This place is marked by a memorial stone with the inscription: “The main value in life is life itself. V. Peskov”.
23 August 2013 Voronezh State Natural Biosphere Reserve was named after Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov.
In the Voronezh Biosphere Reserve, which was recently named after Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov, a museum dedicated to his memory was opened.
With the active participation of Peskov’s family and friends, his exposition has already collected several dozens of interesting exhibits: personal belongings and books, newspaper publications of Vasily Mikhailovich himself, and about him, photographs from the family archive Peskov, a portrait in pencil. And the very first exhibits were presented by the writer’s grandson Dmitry Peskov’s cap, his old film camera “Nikon”, a journalistic certificate in the newspaper “Komsomolka” and a pencil.
The museum’s exposition will be gradually expanded. The administration of the reserve accepts from the citizens, friends, and acquaintances of Peskov personal belongings, photos, and documents – everything that is associated with the name of the famous Voronezh and can be of interest to fans of his talent.
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