On-air Kuznetskaya Fortress September 5, 2020

Novokuznetsk Radioclub plans to activate Kuznetsk Fortress WCA: UA-00164, COTA-RU: C-901, RC-090 on 05.09.2020. Work is planned on the 14MHz band from 06:00 UTC to 09:00 UTC in SSB and CW callsign RV9V/p.
Kuznetsk Fortress – a monument of history, military engineering art, and architecture of federal importance – is located in Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region.
Construction of the Kuznetsk Fortress was begun in 1800 and completed in 1820. It was part of a system of fortifications, the main purpose of which was to deter aggressive plans of Qing China in relation to Southern Siberia. But already in 1846 Kuznetskaya fortress was removed from the balance of the Military Ministry. On the fortress was an organized prison for criminal offenders. The prison functioned on the fortress until 1919 when during the Civil War, all prison buildings were burned.
In 1998, a large-scale compensation construction was carried out on Kuznetskaya Fortress. Currently, the museum Kuznetskaya Fortress includes more than a dozen architectural and military fortification objects of varying degrees of preservation.
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