Days of activity of the Union of radio fans of Armed Forces from 24 to 26 July 2020 for the diploma “Poltava”

The Union of radio fans of Armed Forces from 00.00 (GMT) on 24 July to 24.00 (GMT) on July 26, 2020, spends his days of activity dedicated to the Day of the Navy (July 26). Participation is open to hams all over the world. Over the radio set these days, the diploma of “Poltava”.
To obtain the diploma, candidates need to score 80 points.
Points are awarded for QSO:
- with RF1A, R1LK, RZ3QWW, RK4CYW, RZ4PXO, R5AP, RO5F, RD5A, R6CF, RY6AAC, RV6AWL, RK6HWP – 12 points;
- members SRVS 8 points.
- On 26 July, the Day of the Navy, points are doubled.
Repeated QSOs on different bands or different modes.
Information about QSOs made and diplomas are posted on the website The certificates in electronic form are downloaded for free. Diplomas are issued by observers on the website on the basis of applications, sent via e-mail
Members SRWS receive diplomas as activators when carrying out more than 100 QSOs.
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