Completed tests of the radar prototype drone

Successfully completed tests of a prototype of an onboard locator X-band experimental test facility “ELIK”.
At RTI academician A. L. mints, included in the group of companies RTI, created and successfully completed tests in X-band locator the experimental flight test facility “ELIK” an integrated simulation-simulating stand (the KIMS) and flight test base.
The purpose of the tests was to simulate the on-Board radar for small UAVs X-band. The essence of the experiment was, first, in the conduct of ground tests is to evaluate the background level of the underlying surface and the internal noise of the radar, testing of the towers located on the airfield. Secondly, was conducted flight tests on the aircraft Sky Arrow, which was set locator X-band.
“In our experiment, we conducted 6 sessions of flight. Before the flyby we installed at the location of the reference corner reflectors to assess the resolution and the balloon with the reference surface to assess the capacity of the locator. A first evaluation of the test results (Express processing) – the flights went well, the recording is made, the radar image is obtained. Currently, we have begun to peer review and evaluation of the radar characteristics”, – said the chief designer Vladimir Evdokimov.
One of the urgent tasks that will be solved “ELIK”, is the control of ice conditions and safety of navigation along the Northern sea route.
X-band (X band) — frequency range of centimeter wavelengths used for terrestrial and satellite communication systems. By IEEE definition, this range extends from 8 to 12 GHz of the electromagnetic spectrum (wavelengths 3,75 to 2,5 cm), while in the satellite when this range is “shifted” in the direction of the C-band lies approximately between 7 and 10.7 GHz.
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