The expedition to the lighthouse Iron horn 14-17 July 2020

The team of radio Amateurs in the composition RV6CU – Nicholas, R6DCU – Leonid, RW6AON – Alexander, R6CS – Sergey, R6BT Vitali, UA6BQU – Anatoly plans to activate the lighthouse Zhelezny Rog RLE-067, ERU-310 in the period from 14 till 17 Jul 2020.
We are active RV6AWZ Callsign/p on the bands 3.5 to 28 MHz. in SSB, CW, PSK & FT-8.
Iron horn — Cape on the southern shore of the Taman Peninsula, 10 km South of the village of Taman. Cape stretches over 1.3 km and is situated at altitude of 65 m above sea level. At the South-Western shore is a small beach.
The height of the fire – the focal plane 75 m (246 ft).
Fire – safety white every 3 seconds (1.5 seconds – light; 1.5 seconds – the darkness).
16-meter (52 ft) square cylindrical skeletal tower, painted black, with a gallery and a small lantern and trapezoidal day reference black.
The visibility of fire – 22 nautical miles.
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