Project “QSL Ryazan region” was launched

A network archive collection “QSL of the Ryazan region” started at the portal QRZ.RU over the Christmas holidays of 2021. At the moment more than two hundred callsigns are described, about half a thousand QSL images are published. Each card is provided, if possible, with a brief biogram and hyperlinks to the amateur radio operators’ photos.
The archive collection (gallery) of QSL cards is not only a tribute to our departed comrades but also fragments of our common history, our hobby, a reminder of the magic of radio. The paper cards that once represented radio amateurs, served as their business cards, over time have become both parts of the phylocard and a type of historical documents.
Modern electronic services have greatly facilitated the confirmation of amateur radio communications. However, the practice has shown that quite a few shortwave amateurs treat electronic cards as something “not quite real”, so they don’t give themselves the trouble to give digital QSLs a decent look. All the more valuable are those paper cards in which their authors have invested design ideas, artistic vision – invested their soul. We hope that our gallery (collection) will help keep samples of such creativity of radio amateurs of the Ryazan region for history.
Invaluable help in creating the collection/gallery was provided by Yulia Sereda, Lilia Vasilyeva EW7L, Alexander Kostin UA3SAS, Vladimir Sedyakin UA3SAL, Vyacheslav Sudenko RA3SD, Vladimir Matyunin UA3SDV, Evgeny Vasilyev UA3SMM, Viktor Sirotkin UA3SAG, Nikolay Nikonov RA3SI, Oleg Zonov RA9CTW, Georgy Chliyanits UY5XE, Roman Vega RA/3W3RR.
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