Days of activity of the Russian children’s center “Orlenok” 1-31 July 2020
July 12, 1960, created the all-Russian Children’s Center “Eaglet”. In honor of his education and the sixtieth anniversary in 2020, and annually thereafter in July from 00.00 till 23.59 01.07 31.07 hold the days of the ham activity. This is a good opportunity to meet the conditions on the diploma of “Eaglet”.
Activators can be any youth radio stations of Russia and all who visited “Orlyonok”.
In addition, the broadcast will be active ROCC radio station (Russia Orlyonok Children’s Center) Callsign RO6C, created in honor and to work in the “Orlenok”.
During the activity, visit the “eagle” when they use the Callsign RO6Cis added by the fraction FO a room in which there is a trigger.
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