Siberia Field Day – 2020

The XXI “Siberia Field Day” 2020 on VHF radio communication will be held on July 04 – 05 from 14.00 to 13.59 UTC on the 145 and 435 MHz, 1.3; 5.7; 10 and 24 GHz bands. Types of work: telephone (SSB, FM) and telegraph (CW). The Competition Rules can be found in the competition section and on the Union of Russian Radio Amateurs website.
The “Field Day of Siberia” is included in the Unified Calendar Plan of Rossport in the status of All-Russian competitions in radio sport, they officially fulfill the norms of the Unified All-Russian Sports Qualification with the assignment of sports categories and titles, including the Master of Sports of Russia (radio communication on VHF).
We invite to participate in the SFD-2020 ultra-short waveformers from Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Irkutsk and Tyumen regions, Krasnoyarsk and Altai territories, republics: Altai, Tyva and Khakassia, as well as Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts. In addition, radio amateurs from other subjects of the Russian Federation and countries are invited, provided that at least one set-off radio communication with the territory of the competition venue is held.
Current information, preliminary results and the results of the “Field Day of Siberia” will be published on the Russian VHF portal.
See you on VHF!
73! Yuri Zaruba UA9OBA
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