The days of activity of the club “Fifth Ocean” on the 120th anniversary of Antoine de Saint-Exupery June 27 – July 5, 2020

Amateur radio club-aviators “Fifth Ocean” from June 27 to July 05, 2020, spends his days of activity, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the French professional pilot, writer, poet, essayist.
Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-exupéry (FR. Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger vicomte de Saint-Exupéry) was born on 29 June 1900 in Lyon in France in a noble family, and was the 3rd child of 5 children. Due to the early death of the father of the family lacked, but their absence was compensated by the friendship between brothers and sisters. Mother instilled in Tony (as he was called in childhood) love of books and literature, talking about the value of art. Interested in the lessons mother, the boy was also fond of technology and choose what he wants to do.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery studied in a Christian school in Lyon and then at the Jesuit in Montreux. In 14 years, the efforts of his mother, was sent to the Swiss Catholic boarding school. In 1917, Antoine joined the faculty of architecture at the Paris School of fine arts. Bachelor with diploma on hand were preparing to enter the naval Lyceum, but failed on the competition.
Antoine dreamed of the sky since childhood. The first time he been out in 12 years with the famous pilot Gabriel Wroblewsky, went after him for fun on aviagra in amberieu. The impressions which the young man was enough to understand what will be the purpose of all life.
A lot has changed in the life of Antoine in 1921. After being drafted into the army, he graduated from the courses of flying and became a member of the aviation regiment in Strasbourg. At first the young man was a soldier-flying workshop at the airport, but soon became the owner of the identity civilian pilot. Later exupéry has trained up to a military pilot.
After completing the officers ‘ training courses, Antoine flew in the rank of second Lieutenant and served in the 34 regiment. After a bad flight in 1923 Exupery, receiving a head injury, left the aircraft. Pilot, he settled in Paris and decided to try himself in the literary sphere. Success did not come. To earn a living, Exupery was forced to sell cars, work at a tile factory and even trade books.
In 1926, the young pilot got the post of mechanics in the airline “Aeropostal” and later became a pilot of an aircraft to deliver mail. In this period of time was written “southern mail”. After a new increase was followed by another translation. Becoming the head of the airport in cap-juby stationed in the Sahara, Antoine engaged in creativity.
In 1929 a talented specialist was transferred to the position of Director of the branch “Aeropostale”, and Saint-Exupery moved to Buenos Aires to lead their Department. He carried out regular flights on the Casablanca. The company “Aeropostale” soon went bankrupt, so since 1931 Antoine worked again in Europe on the mail routes, and then began to combine work with parallel direction, becoming a test pilot.
Being a pilot “Aeropostale”, the pilot did not think to stop literary activity. Returning to his native France, he signed a contract with the publisher of Gaston Gallimore to create and publish 7 novels. Exupery-writer existed in close collaboration with Exupery-pilot.
Works Exupery connected with the sky and aviation. The writer had two callings, and he shared with the audience perception of the world through the eyes of a pilot. The author spoke about his philosophy, allows the reader to look differently at life. That is why statements Exupery on the pages of the works of today use as quotes.
From the pen of Antoine de Saint-exupéry’s works were appreciated. In 1931, the author received the award “Femina” for “Night flight”, and in 1932, the work took the pictures. Crash in the Libyan desert and adventures that the pilot survived, wandering in it, he described in the novel “Terre des Hommes” (“earth of humanity”).
In the 1930s, Antoine became interested in journalism and became a correspondent of the newspaper “Paris Soir”. The status of the representative of the newspaper “Intransigent” Exupery was in the war in Spain. He also participated in battles with the Nazis in the Second world war.
The novel “Military pilot” has become autobiographical work. The author has been influenced by experiences associated with participation in the Second world war. Banned in France, the book had incredible success in the United States. Representatives of the American publishers have ordered exupéry’s tale. As the world saw “the Little Prince”, accompanied by illustrations by the author. It brought its author international fame.
The writer was associated with the extreme, and he was not afraid to take risks. Participating in the development project for high-speed flight, Antoine purchased the plane for use on the line Paris-Saigon. Repeatedly Antoine got into an accident, but always survived the chances and life optimism.
The death of Antoine de Saint-Exupery was shrouded in mystery. During the Second world war, he felt duty to defend the honor of the country. The condition of the pilot has identified the ground unit, but Antoine pulled strings to make sure got into the flight reconnaissance. July 31, 1944, he had not returned from a flight and was listed as missing. And only 60 years later was able to establish that the plane of Antoine de Saint-Exupery was shot down in the battle of German pilots in the area of Marseille
Bibliography of the writer’s small, but it holds the description a full and rich life adventures. A brave pilot and a good writer lived and died with dignity. In memory of him were named the Lyon airport.
Of merit of France awarded the Legion of honor and war Cross of military merit of France.
Died July 31, 1944.
29 June 2020 Antoine de Saint-Exupery marks 120 years since the birth of. Paying tribute to the memory of and respect for the famous Frenchman Amateur radio club-aviators “Fifth Ocean” spends his days of activity from 00:00 UTC 27.06.2020 till 21:00 UTC 05.07.2020 G., from Bulgaria to the air will sound a special temporary Callsign LZ120AE, and also established a diploma “Antoine de Saint-Exupery”, dedicated to this event.
Invited radio Amateurs of all world for QSOs/observations from hams members of the club “Fifth Ocean” on the ranges of 1.8 – 28 MHz and VHF.
Terms of the diploma “Antoine de Saint-Exupery”.
Regard for the diploma counted from June 27, 2020 July 27, 2020.
Special temporary call sign of LZ120AE will sound the entire period of validity of the diploma.
Applicants to meet the conditions of diploma you need to score 120 points.
The procedure of scoring:
- For QSO/SWL with radio stations operating with special temporary call sign of LZ120AE– 7 points;
- For QSO/SWL with Amateur radio member of the club “Fifth Ocean” F5PBL – 5 points;
- QSO/SWLс hams members of the club “Fifth Ocean” – 2 points;
- For QSO/SWL on VHF and range of 160 m added 1 point to the above;
- 1 QSO/SWL through a satellite or EME diploma.
The multiplier for applicants, depending on the Regions:
- Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan – 1;
- Europe (except countries listed) – 2;
- Asia, including of radioamateurs of Russia of the 19 zones (except countries listed) – 3;
- North and South America, Africa, Australia and Oceania, Antarctica – 5.
Repeated QSO allowed only on different bands and different types of radiation.
All types of digital communications (RTTY, PSK, MFSK, SSTV, JT64, all ft8, etc.) count as one kind of DIGI.
In the days of activity of members of the club “Fifth Ocean” (from 00:00 UTC27.06.2020 till 21:00 UTC05.07.2020 g) points for QSO doubled.
Activators, members of the club “Fifth Ocean”, diploma with sequence number index “A” is issued depending on количестваQSO:
- 3rd class diploma for 100 QSOs.
- 2nd class diploma for 250 QSO;
- 1 class of certificate for the 500 QSO;
- diploma of “Master” over 1000 QSO;
It is obligatory to confirm the QSO on the resource
The diploma is issued free of charge in electronic form via the online HAMLOG.
Members of the club “Fifth Ocean” in the days of activity and after their completion, can obtain the diploma as candidates in a General manner. The validity of the diploma is to 27.07.2020 G.
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