Matievsky Valery RV9WP – SK December 20, 2020
I regret to inform you that on December 20, 2020, Valery Matievsky RV9WP of Ishimbay, Bashkortostan passed away at the age of 70.
Valery has been hobbies since he was a teenager and carried this hobby to his last days. He received his first call sign UA9WDK in Ishimbay in the early 70s, after which he worked in the oil industry, in the Far North for a long time, lived in Krasnoyarsk, Evenkia, where he worked Callsigns UA0ADX, UV0HK, RV0HK.
Last 20 years worked on a rotational basis and lived in Ishimbay, worked as call sign RV9WP. His hobby of radio was his life work, he always had excellent directional antennas, more than 296 confirmed countries and territories on his account, actively participated in public life, was a member of RAS (Radio Amateur Emergency Service). Valery was a wonderful man, very sociable, unselfish, and well respected by the amateur radio community of our city and republic. Recently Valery had a coronavirus, was discharged from the hospital more than 2 weeks ago, was actively going on the mend, and appeared at the morning “round tables”. No one expected such an end. Our grief cannot be expressed in words…
The blessed memory of Valeriy Alekseyevich will live in our hearts forever. May you rest in peace and eternal flight in amateur radio. 73 SK.
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