40 MHz signals from Slovenia heard in Croatia – 20th Dec 2020

Back the start of December 2020, I had a post up about how radio amateurs in Croatia were now able to get permission to use the new 40 MHz (8-metre) band…. https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-activity-from-croatia-on-40-mhz-dec.html
Interest continues to grow and tests have been done with stations in neighboring Slovenia.
On the 20th of December 2020, Toni 9A2WB successfully received FT8 signals from Ivo S59F on 40.680 MHz.
This frequency is in the center of the 40 kHz wide Industrial, Scientific & Medical (ISM) band at 40 MHz.
The signal between the two stations was in the region of 243kms over a very obstructed path. While the signals were weak and buried in the noise, they did seem to be consistent at about -16 to -19dB.
While this was a one-way reception report on this occasion, it does bode well for a successful two-way contact between the two countries in the near future.
More information about the new 8-meter band can be seen on my 40 MHz page… https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/p/40-mhz.html
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