Big opening on the 40 MHz band – 7th Dec 2022

Wednesday 7th December 2022: With the Solar Flux up at 148, the F2 MUF is now extending well above 30 MHz and into the low VHF spectrum. The map above shows some of the FT8 activity on the experimental 40 MHz band on the 7th of December.
The stations in South Africa (ZS), Slovenia (S5), Croatia (9A) and Ireland (EI) are radio amateurs who have permission to use this band. The stations in the USA, Canada and the UK are using experimental licences for transmitting.
I have a full list of the stations decoded at the end of this post. I’m not sure about a few of the transmitting callsigns as there may have been some mistakes and the wrong band was reported.
Martin, PJ4MM on the island of Bonaire in the Caribbean sends the following report…
Just copied multiple stations from EU on 8M:
EI2IP IO52 ft8 +22 S9 on meter
EI4GNB IO63 ft8 +12
S50B JN65 ft8 -6
S59F JN65 ft8 -1
9A5CW JN65 ft8 -8
Last Monday (5th Dec) copied: 144230 6 0.1 798 ~ CQ WM2XEJ EM83 (ft8). Opening lasted ~30min
And on Sunday 20221204 (wspr):
2022 -23 0.11 40.6814841 WM2XCC DM13 33
2040 -13 -0.15 40.6814851 WM2XCC DM13 47
2102 -27 0.15 40.6814844 WM2XCC DM13 33
RX: IC7300, Antenna modified 6m 4el with increased element length
Link: My 40 MHz page
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