Brazil Proposes to End Amateur Radio Exams

The Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) has proposed to end amateur radio certificate exams for all classes, replacing the current system with free access to the initial Class C license, access to Class B for those presenting a technical course certificate in telecommunications (or similar) or who have 3 years of experience as a Class C licensee, and to Class A for those who present a certificate of higher education in telecommunications (or similar) or who have 3 years of experience as a Class B licensee.
The proposal suggests eliminating different prefixes for each state and retaining license-class prefixes. There would no longer be any special call signs. Brazil’s IARU member-society, LABRE, suggested that the proposal flies in the face of international regulatory consensus related to amateur radio and is contrary to LABRE’s thinking with regard to minimum licensing requirements. It also does not square with ANATEL’s request for support from LABRE in the revision of Brazil’s amateur radio regulations, LABRE said.
LABRE has requested a meeting with ANATEL to discuss the proposal.
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