Great Technical References from N1UL, Dr. Ulrich Rohde

” There are a few famous hams in our ranks and this week I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Ulrich Rohde, one of the founders of Rohde & Swartz, one of the world’s foremost test and measurement equipment companies. Dr. Rohde was one of the pioneers of SDR and quoted from the DL35SDR page:
DJ2LR / N1UL, member of DARC Amateur Radio Club Munich South (C18) is recognized as one of the pioneers of SDR technology 35 years ago. In the 1970s DJ2LR was head of military equipment development at AEG/Telefunken in Ulm, where he was responsible for the construction of the AEG 6861 Manpack.
We’re excited to have received three excellent technical papers from Dr. Rohde, which he enthusiastically for wide distribution on QRZ. We’re honored to have him as a QRZ member and proud to serve these pages in support of his longtime service to all.
There are three papers. They are all in PDF format, attached to this article. They include:
- Test and Measurement for Radio Communication Equipment
- The Rebirth of HF
- Using small antenna for portable operations
We hope you enjoy these great references from Dr. Rohde.
73, -fred AA7BQ”
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