Guest Post: WM2XCS/B 40 MHz beacon heard over 3000kms away in Arizona and Alberta …by George, N2CG

Thanks to George, N2CG / WM2XCS for the following report on recent reception of his beacon on the 40 MHz band.
WM2XCS/B 40.685 MHz CW Beacon Heard over 2000 miles away in Arizona and Alberta!
I’m happy to report the following 40 MHz band reports concerning WM2XCS/B 40.685 MHz CW Beacon.
I recently received two reception reports (one from SE Arizona near the Mexico border and on from VE6 land near Edmonton, Alberta for my WM2XCS/B 40.685 MHz 8m experimental band CW beacon as follows:
“Here’s a report on your 40MHz beacon. WM2XCS/B 1/21/2023 1745 UTC 40685.0 KHz CW RST 579 I’m using an IC7610 and 7 element LPDA (18-32 MHz) at 55’. Nothing like a solar flux over 200 to get the MUF high! 73, Chuck – AA6G Hereford, AZ”
“Copied your beacon on 40.685 for quite a while around 2045z Jan 23rd, 2023. Nice signal here in DO33gs on my 7 el 6 meter yagi. All the best. Grant VE6TA”
Keep in mind that the beacon’s output power is 30 Watts into a 4 element 7 dBd gain yagi at 30 feet above ground beaming ~45° from my QTH towards Europe. So both of these stations were receiving the beacon somewhat on the backside of the beacon’s antenna. I guess the recent SFI around 200 played a helping hand with WM2XCS/B being heard over 2000 miles (3200kms) away off the back of the antenna!
73, George WM2XCS N2CG
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