Guide prices for the upcoming ICOM IC-905 Microwave Transceiver

On Sunday the 18th of December 2022, ICOM Japan held their own exhibition at their Narayama Research Institute to display some of their new projects. This included the upcoming IC-905 transceiver which will cover 144 MHz, 432 MHz, 1296 MHz, 2.4 GHz & 5.6 GHz. They also have an optional 2.4 GHz to 10 GHz transverter.
I won’t go into the full details of the radio here but you can read about it in my previous post HERE
The big question is what is the price going to be and when will it be released? In my earlier post, I guessed that it might be in the $2000 to $2800 price range.
HAMLIFE . JP reports on Twitter from the exhibition that the guide price for the IC-905 will be 400,000 Yen. This is around $2930 or €2760.
The optional 10 GHz transverter will be 150,000 Yen which is about $1100 or €1040.
The release date is expected to be the Spring of 2023 which is a bit earlier than I was expecting.
Will it be too expensive???
What will the demand be like???
Will the demand be different in the various markets… Japan / North America / Europe / Australia ???
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