Ham Radio Deluxe v6.7.0.301

This release contains several important customer requests. The Yaesu FTDX101D/MP is added. The last QSL comment is gathered into the callsign lookup. The IOTA data is updated.
- 0002915: [Maintenance] Partial and Exact buttons on ALE no longer working (WA9PIE)
- 0003600: [Enhancement] Add “Comment” Field to the dropdown for “Filter” (WA9PIE)
- 0003632: [Bug] Filling in a Call in ALE and Hit Enter takes a long time to be written to the DB (WA9PIE)
- 0003646: [Maintenance] copyright Date not updated (WA9PIE)
- 0003663: [Bug] ALE “Start” time is not being properly reset when the user has set it to “Set by User” (WA9PIE)
- 0003665: [Enhancement] Add option to include Comment field from prior QSO to be included in callsign lookup (WA9PIE)
- 0002926: [Maintenance] New and altered IOTA data in Logbook (DOUG)
- 0003257: [Enhancement] Add support for Yaesu FTDX-101D/MP (DOUG)
- 0003666: [General] What is the difference between Logbook’s Comment field and DM-780’s Remark field? (WA9PIE)
- 0003689: [Bug] Cannot connect to DX cluster when the user has selected a callsign to use that contains a slash character (WA9PIE)
- 0003692: [Bug] Order of callsign lookup methods are not saved when re-ordering them in “Enabled Methods” (WA9PIE)
- 0003695: [Bug] Additional callsigns with a prefix that does not contain a number are not showing in My Station (WA9PIE)
- 0003701: [Bug] Lookup while in update mode overwrites QSO date/time (WA9PIE)
If you have found a spelling error, please, notify us by selecting that text and pressing Ctrl+Enter.