Pskov Amateur Radio Club. Hardware update: New 2m/70cm antennas

New antennas for Pskov Amateur Radio Club were successfully purchased, received, and installed.
2 – 11-element antennas of 144 Mhz band 5.8 m long “Siberian variant new”. They will work together through the interface device.
Basic parameters:
– Ga = 14.99 dBi
-Gh = 12.8 dBd
-F/B (145 mHz) = 35.2dB
-G/T = -8.91 dB
1 – 26-element antenna of 432 MHz range with 5.9 m length.
Basic parameters:
– GGa = 19.16 dBi
– GGh = 17.01 dBd
– GF/B (433 mHz) = 32.8 dB
– GG/T = 4.51 dB
The antennas are raised to a height of 10 meters (planned 17 meters).
Thanks to the site Sovantenna (
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