Microsat APRS Voyager + GPS-RS232

APRS Tracker/TNC With 7W Transceiver With External GPS Antenna
Configuration software for Windows (STABLE firmware):
APRS Voyager Configurator v1.08 (installer): download
APRS Voyager Configurator v1.08 (zip file): download
Device manual v1.03: English language
Built-in 38.5 dBm / 7 watt transceiver
APRS Voyager incorporates a built-in transceiver with a 38.5 dBm / 7-watt power amplifier capable of transmitting and receiving APRS packets. The only thing you need to do is to connect a proper antenna to the SMA connector. Output power is programable between 5 Watts and 7 Watts.
Mic-E/Base-91/Plain text position reporting
The main feature for an APRS tracker is position reporting. APRS Voyager allows you to select between three most common position reporting formats:
- Mic-E – uses both AX.25 destination address and information field for position report and is the most compact reporting method, giving the shortest packet length,
- Base-91 – second compressed method oriented to short report packet length,
- Plain text – in this method station position report is sent in human-readable plain text format,
You can also select between fixed time interval reporting which means that packets are sent every X number of seconds, and SmartBeaconing. SmartBeaconing is an algorithm that sends position reports with intervals dependent on speed and course, allowing for more accurate reporting especially in the urban area. SmartBeaconing algorithm was first developed by Tony Arnerich KD7TA and Steve Bragg KA9MVA and now it is widely used by most APRS tracker devices.
Built-in Bluetooth interface
APRS Voyager integrates a built-in Bluetooth interface which can work in one of the selectable modes:
- Serial console – similar to RS-232 serial console known from PLXTracker or PLXDigi, it outputs debugging information for device operation.
- KISS – allows exchanging packets with your laptop, tablet, or smartphone with APRS software installed. This feature works great with APRSDroid available for Android phones and allows us to plot received stations on a map. APRSDroid allows also to send and receive messages, beacons, and SmartBeaconing position via APRS Voyager.
- GPS passthrough – if you have a GPS receiver connected to the APRS Voyager RS-232 serial port, then you can forward the NMEA stream to any other device using Bluetooth interface.
Simple alias-based APRS packet digipeater
With APRS Voyager you can do a simple alias-based APRS packet digipeating. Generally, APRS tracker units should not be used as a full-featured digipeater but with alias-based digipeater features you can digipeat WIDE1-1 packets sent by other mobiles increasing their chance of reaching an I-Gate.
Weather station support
APRS Voyager allows you to receive weather data from compatible weather stations over the RS-232 serial interface. Currently supported stations are:
- LaCrosse/Technoline WS-2300,
- LaCrosse/Technoline WS-2350,
- Peet Bros Ultimeter 100,
- Peet Bros Ultimeter 800,
- Peet Bros Ultimeter 2000,
- Peet Bros Ultimeter 2100,
- Davis Vantage Pro (with RS-232 datalogger),
- Davis Vantage Pro2 (with RS-232 datalogger),
- Davis Vantage Pro Plus (with RS-232 datalogger),
- Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus (with RS-232 datalogger),
External telemetry module support
You can use an additional telemetry module for reporting of voltages and electric current values of your installation. This is especially useful for monitoring solar panel powered systems on remote sites. WXTelemetry module allows you to read 2 voltages, 2 currents, and one temperature then sends these values as APRS telemetry reports to RF.
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