RASA writes to IARU over 40m QRM

The 40m band in VK suffers from chronic QRM from SE Asian pirates.
“These stations are received continuously in Darwin and every afternoon and evening in the remainder of Australia. They are causing harmful interference to legitimate amateur stations.”, Glenn VK4DU, the President of The Radio Amateur Society of Australia (RASA) said.
2 years ago, RASA wrote to IARU Region 3 seeking their assistance in resolving the matter. IARU advised that they had passed the issue to the Indonesian amateur radio society for action.
Unfortunately, the interference has actually got worse in the past two years; the very high popularity of digital modes around 7065-7075 kHz has pushed the pirates down below 7050 kHz.
“This issue affects all of our regions. So we have written to IARU again, highlighting the problem, and asking what actions they are undertaking to resolve it.” Glenn said.
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