RCPW Radio Club Activity Days March 18-26, 2023 as part of the Named Border Stations diploma program

Radio Amateur Border Guard Club (RCPW) Activity Days March 18 – 26, 2023
A new diploma program, “Kofanov Grigory Ilyich,” has been established as part of the Named Border Guard Outposts diploma program.
In this connection RCPW club holds activity days devoted to the hero border guard Grigory Kofanov which will take place from 00.00 UTC 18.03.2023 to 23.59 UTC 26.03.2023. This is a good opportunity to fulfill the established diploma.
Diploma “Kofanov Grigori Ilich”
In order to receive Diploma co-authors must receive 100 points for working with members of RCPW on any permitted bands with any type of modulation. During the activity days from 00.00 UTC 18.03.2023 to 23.59 UTC 26.03.2023 5 points are awarded for communication with a member of RCPW. Thereafter, 3 points are awarded at the end of the activity days
Repeated connections are counted on different SW (VHF) bands, on the same band – different types of modulation (all types of DIGI count as one)
The diploma is free and issued electronically through the service https://hamlog.online/ based on uploaded logs of RCPW club members.
RCPW club members receive a diploma when they make and upload a log at https://hamlog.online/ 100 QSO (as activators, it is mandatory to upload a log at least once a day) or on a general basis.
The observers (SWL) diploma is issued under the same conditions. Diploma applications must be submitted to the club secretary: rcpw@yandex.ru
Council of the RCPW Club
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