RGO ONE HF transceiver – Preorder

This is the third production lot.
Please fill in your data so we can arrange to ship your brand new RGO ONE shortwave transceiver right after it is built and aligned. We don’t need any advance payment. Final payment for the unit, optional modules plus shipping cost should be made via bank transfer or PayPal upon invoice received (Euro or USD whichever is preferred). We expect the first units to become ready mid-October 2020.
RGO ONE transceiver preordered here will be fully built and precisely aligned and will include the following options:
– RGO ONE HF transceiver (80-10m) – 790 euro (or respective value in USD)
– Heavily weighted knob
– Bourns optical 128ppr ENA1J-B28-L00128L encoder
– H-mode high dynamic range first RX mixer
– Variable crystal 9MHz 4-pole filter
– FAN cradle

By now we can offer the following optional plug-in modules:
– Internal Automatic Antenna Tuner module 140 euro
– Optional RX Band Pass Filter board for 160/60m bands 49 euro
TX LPF board comes standard with the base unit
– 2.8kHz 8-pole 9MHz roofing crystal filter 44 euro
(Replacement for standard 2.7kHz filter at a time of purchase)
All optional modules can be purchased & installed anytime later.
Shipping cost via TNT/FedEx EXPRESS to the United States 68 euro
Shipping cost via TNT/FedEx EXPRESS to Australia/NZ 75 euro
Shipping cost via TNT/FedEx EXPRESS to Japan 71 euro
Shipping cost via DPD courier to EU Germany; Hungary 26 euro
Shipping cost via DPD courier to EU 31 euro
For more information visit my blog – www.lz2jr.com
Feel free to contact me any time via e-mail or contact form

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