SDRuno 1.4 has now been fully released

(12th August 2020)
Release Notes:
Release notes for all versions of SDRuno can be found by clicking here
Known Issues:
• SP2 CWAFC drift issue (Zoom/window size/freq display)
• IF output mode disabled SP1 spectrum mouse clicks
Note: the known issues will be addressed in future versions of SDRuno. The effect of the IF output mode issue is that you will NOT be able to click on the spectrum to select the tunable frequency with the mouse pointer. You will ONLY be able to either use the mouse scroll wheel (or another scrolling device) or the direct frequency input method.
In downloading this software, you understand and accept that the issues above are temporary and will be addressed in a future release.
The auto-update feature will prompt you to update your installation to this latest release. To prevent that message from appearing when you start SDRuno, click on OPT in Main Window and uncheck “Enable Auto Update Check”
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